Friday, November 21, 2008

12 days

I went 12 days without doing Anything. I'm proud of myself. That is a good solid break I think.
Today I ran an Easy 4 miles in 25 degree air. It was cold at first, but so refreshing.
My lungs felt like they were going to explode as I climbed the 1/2 mile hill I start with on each and every run. (that's just the way my road's not a crazy warm up I instilled upon myself.) Once I hit the flat roads I felt better. However, my quads are clearly out of sorts. I was slow. I didn't try to go fast but my easy run pace was slow. Oh well. I'm not worried. It is, however, odd to have my last memory of running one of cruising down the finisher's chute at the World Championships for the race of my life and then to hit the roads at home 2 weeks later barely able to jog through 4 easy miles at a normal pace.
So that's that. My long break is over. Hmmm. I think I'm happy.
I will not start Training yet. I will start exercising again though.
That will feel good.
I had begun to feel rather blobbish. I started sleeping poorly. My headaches became more frequent. My energy levels have been down.
I need to feel like myself again.
So my 5 hour training days will have to wait a bit.
But when I want to swim I will swim and when I want to run I will run. Will I bike? We shall see.


Marni Sumbal, MS, RD said...

looks like a nice break and most of all, you are exercising! Smart of you!
It was great seeing you. Hope to see you again soon!

GetBackJoJo said...

I've gone for two whole 1/2 hour runs. Ahhhh.... But I don't want to start training yet either! Just "exercising."
:) miss you.

BreeWee said...

NICE break Ange!!

You gotta do that! Honest, it will totally pay off in the long run!

Happy Turkey Day :)