Sunday, December 28, 2008


We're all here just crusing along through the busy busy holiday week when..



First, my son went down. Middle of the night blues. Crying, headache, body aches, and then the dreaded: vomit. We ran down the hall together Hoping he'd make it to the bowl. Ohh....5 feet short. That always happens.

Next, my husband. Again, middle of the night. He Never gets up at night. But off he went. Scampering away. I knew. I waited. Sure enough. Sick. The shakes, headaches, body aches. He was up again 2 hrs later with no sleep between for either of us.

My turn. I haven't officially gotten sick yet. lip keeps quivering. My stomach is not happy. Energy....yah right. Totally gone.

I'm staring at my bike on the trainer. I haven't been on that baby for a week now. Not good.

I am going to try anyway. Maybe it's in my head.


Pedergraham said...

Aaaagh...I hope it doesn't get to you and to the other two boys. I have barely done more than walk for the past week due to the sickies, but I keep telling myslf better this time of year than in June, right? Hope your littlest guy and biggest guy get better quickly!

mjcaron said...

Hi Angela, I like your schedule for 2009. Good luck and Happy New Year!

Jennifer Cunnane said...

Yuck, hang in there! We are sick here too, I spent 4 hours in the health clinic day after xmas since I and my son came down with sinus infections. Better to rest up!