Saturday, February 16, 2008


You know that moment when the alarm goes off, your bed is so warm and cozy, it's dark & subzero outside, and the best feeling in the world would be to drift back off to sleep. We athletes know that sometimes you have to really push through the urge to just sleep. You get up and do whatever workout you have planned. Sometimes it's tougher than others but making yourself do it day after day after day is what makes us strong and fit and ready for the race.

Last night I went out for a date with my hubby. It has been a Long time. We were calling it our birthday/Valentine date. (both our bdays are in January....we wer overdue for this date.) I only had one glass of wine because I knew I had to wake up to swim at 5:15. Bedtime was a good hour+ later than normal since we drove an hour to eat at a nice restaurant. (I live out in the woods..) It was so so ssooooooo hard to get out of bed. It took All that I had. This was my 3rd swim morning in a row. I have battled horrible road conditions all week. I have to drive 40+ min to get to the pool in the winter. But I made it. I was there at 6:15 for the 6:30-7:30 swim. It's the only day of the week I get a full hour to swim. THe guard wasn't there but they let us in to the locker rooms. We all waited and waited and waited. I finally checked and the girl was making calls but it looked like it would be 45" min for someone to show up and therefore, a.m. swim would be cancelled!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! I just about died.

It turned out better than that. The girl did show up. We got in 35". We heard she was coming about 3min before I was back out the door. I changed up twice. But, I did get almost 3000 yards in. It was a good workout even though it was a bit short.

Isn't it hard when you have to rely on someone else to get the work done. I toughed it out and got up for the workout but someone else over slept and almost threw it out the window.

Part of life is dealing with these frustions though. I dont' always do very well with it. It is something I should work on.

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